Thursday 3 January 2013


So this blog is over a year old. Who would have thought? When I started it just before Christmas 2011 I was wondering whether I'd actually keep it up. Well, evidence would suggest no. That's not to suggest that it hasn't been fun to write, quite the contrary, nor that I don't intend to pick it up again, only that 2012 was the oddest of odd years.

One of the reasons I started the blog was the fact that I had time to think and I figured I might as well put that thinking into writing stuff down. As the year progressed, I had less time to think and less time to write stuff down. For a while I wasn't even listening to much radio and even my knitting dropped off for a bit.

While I've been going through my quiet phase I missed the opportunity to write about some top quality radio and the months before Christmas are probably my most high-volume time for knitting in the build up to our Wateraid charity sale. I've got a lot to catch up on.

I know it's a little late but I'd like to wish a happy new year to everyone that took a look at my blog in 2012. May 2013 be wonderful.

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