I've been attempting something of a Yarn Pr0n Tuesday thing because I'm usually at college on a Tuesday night. So I cheat on Monday and schedule a picture of yarn that I like for while I'm out. So, in approximate keeping with my own tradition (four weeks is a tradition, right?), here are some photos of my purchases from Saturday.
This is Nimu Yarns' stunning Blea Lace. It's 100% silk and it has an impressive 750m of fabulousness waiting to be knitted into I-have-absolutely-no-clue-what.
Although I was taken with the texture of the yarn (and I really don't have the first idea what to do with 100% silk laceweight) it was the colour that really caught me. There's a definite trend to most of my purchases this weekend and I just couldn't resist the stormy blue-grey colour, especially when I discovered the tiny flecks of turquoise in a few places.
No turqouise here, you'll just have to take my word on it |
This is more Nimu Yarns Sizergh. I bought a stunning blue/black skein in December and my plans for it just won't work. I panicked when I realised I couldn't find it on their website so obviously I had to buy some when I saw it. Obviously.
For some reason I can't get a good, clear picture of the whole skein of Sizergh. My only guess is that the mohair halo is throwing off the focus of my camera.
If this were a regular Tuesday I think this would be my Yarn Pr0n |
And here's the new holder of Most Paid For a Single Skein. It's also without any doubt the highest I've ever paid per yard: This amazing Pixie Dust by Yarn Collage is only 35 yards.
What am I going to do with 35 yards? I have no idea but it's going to be a real challenge to do justice to this yarn. It's soft and beautiful and it makes me think of silk cocoons, strung together then spun in a web of fine mohair and silver.
That's not what it is but it's still amazing and for some reason I can't seem to get a suitable close-up.
And that just leaves my two non-yarn purchases. Well, I also bought fabric but that's not going to look remotely interesting until I've done something with it.
It was probably inevitable that I'd buy some Colinette but the real surprise was just how little of it I saw at the show. This is Roving and I plan to fight the very strong urge to spin it. For a while I've been curious about felting with fibre before it's spun/knitted and I think this may end up as some sort of (highly) experimental scarf.
Now, as if I hadn't indulged myself enough, I thought I should probably buy something that wasn't wool. I'd just succumbed to the Pixie Dust and was lost in visions of cowls when I came across the Stealth Bunny stall. Aside from being very friendly people with chocolates on their stand, they were also selling an extremely weird and wonderful selection of buttons.
Well, I thought, if I'm going to spend lots of money on wool and (probably) make some sort of cowl with it then there's no way I'm putting a normal button on it.
That is a hallmarked, sterling silver button made from the bowl of a spoon and I would be far too ashamed to admit in public how much it cost. But it's so beautiful and so lovely to stroke. And it'll go so well on the shimmery Pixie Dust. And it's silver. And...
And, hello. My name is Rebecca and I'm a yarn addict.
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