For the most part, my hobbies play well together. Knitting while listening to the radio works on the bus, the train and at home. There are whole projects that I will forever associate with a particular play (sorry, drama) or comedy that I might otherwise have forgotten if not for the fact that a joke or intense scene somehow became entangled in my yarn and ended up knitted in with the pattern.
But this weekend I faced a choice between my two great loves: the Stitch & Craft show in London or the More than Words listening festival in Bristol.
The craft show took an early lead. It was my birthday last week and I'd hoped to organise a girly weekend in London to celebrate, complete with craft-based indulgence and stereotypical quantities of wine. Unfortunately, the logistics proved impossible and I was left with only a stubborn determination to exercise my independence for company.
And yet, there was the More than Words festival and the BBC ticket unit luring me with their promises of radio on my doorstep. I have no idea what the workshops would be like but I know that I very much liked the idea of going.
In the end, knitting won. Okay, the combination of knitting and a destination more exotic than Bristol won. If I'm honest, I think it was the ticket ballot for More than Words that swung it. Yes, I see that it's fair. Yes, I see that really each person should probably get tickets to just one show. But if you're looking to make the most of a weekend then you don't really want to trust it to a random ballot.
I've still not entirely come to terms with my decision. I feel oddly guilty about not even attempting to go to More than Words, a little like I've made some lame excuse that no one believes so that I can miss a friend's birthday party just because I don't really feel like going. (For the record, I don't do that.) After all, I can do knitting all year round but how often does the BBC come and hold a listening festival in the nearest thing I have to a home city?
So, if anyone is going to More than Words, please have a little extra fun for me. Go to shows, go to workshops and listen to things, preferably in headphones crocheted by Get Knitted. I shall be thinking of you while I force myself not to spend a small fortune on yarn.
Oh, and if you could tell me what a listening festival actually is, that would be great.
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